Being Jewish in Germany is dangerous
The Jews who went to worship in the temple in the city of Halle in eastern Germany narrowly survived a mass shooting. A journalist told the media that anti-Jewish sentiments cannot be taken lightly under any circumstances.
In a synagogue in East Germany, about 70 people had come to worship and celebrate Yom Kippur, the Jewish festival. The strong door of the house of worship saved them from the German man who had arrived there to bleed for grenades and rifles. This is the incident on 9 October 2019.
Eighty years after the start of the Second World War, the war in which six million Jews were murdered, once again in Germany, if Jews want to openly follow their religion, go to the synagogue, they should worry about their lives Is Happening. Read more
What does this make sense about Germany? And what does it mean that a 27-year-old youth wanted to film his adventures by putting a camera on the helmet and then uploading it to a video game website? Like the Christchurch attack in New Zealand, this man also goes to the site of the attack and tells his international audience in English just before starting the shootout, “The root of all the trouble is the Jews.”
No one’s pain can ever be compared or should be compared. Therefore, first of all, our condolences are with the families of the woman and man who was brutally murdered.
We can not turn our face away. Had the situation has been a little different, we would have seen the mass murder of Jewish people in Germany on Wednesday.
This fact clearly shows that the growing inferiority of the Jews in this country is not limited to Islamic terrorism in any case. If anyone still makes such a claim, he is lying and refusing to face the truth. This shows that the protection of Jewish institutions in Germany is still necessary, even 75 years after the end of the Nazi period. It is natural to question why the synagogue was not given protection even on a festival day like Yom Kippur.
This crime shows that even the smallest hint of anti-Jewish activity has to be taken seriously and investigated. This includes burning the flag of Israel and insulting those wearing the Jewish cap Kippa.
Anti-Semitism cannot be taken lightly. There is nothing like anti-Semitism. nowhere. And especially not in Germany at all.
How is the life of Jews in Germany in today’s time, have they been able to recover from this deep injury of history. To know the same, we went to Frankfurt’s fourth-largest Jewish the community centre, Restaurant Sohar and school.
Isaac Emile Lichtigfeld School of Frankfurt. Jewish culture and tradition are specially taught here. There is a school from KG to higher secondary. It was established on 13 April 1966. For Arleen studying in sixth grade, this school is different from other schools because here she gets to know about the Jewish tradition. Arlene says that apart from other subjects, we get to know about Jewish life, religion, language, which we are told neither in the family nor anywhere else. All our festivals, we know all the holidays and this is special in this school which is not available anywhere else.
But the history about which parents shy away from speaking, how grandparents want to forget, how the past is taught to children. Regarding this, the principal of the school says that we ask that ‘Children ask grandparents in their family what happened at that time, but if they do not want to talk about it then children should take care of their feelings because This dark chapter of history cannot be expressed in words. This is our children to learn. Feel the pain of your grandparents. ‘
Children of the eighth grade have to make a project about Jewish history. ‘Project for the children of the eighth grade is to write about the life of one of the Jews who survived the Nazi regime. If their families are unable to tell the children about this, then the school provides them with videos and material. And then we present biographies of five or six Jews on November 9 every year.
Nelly teaches Hibru at Kranz School. He has been in Germany for the last thirty-nine years. She tells about Jewish life in Germany that ‘when the Jews came here, initially they did not want to stay here. But then he set his feet here, established businesses. Sent his children to school. And now they have become a part of the society, have got mixed up in it ‘.
In order to get the children to mix well in German society, it is necessary that they should be educated like other schools. And the same is done in this school. The general syllabus is also applicable here but the only history is not a fact. In our school, Jewish living, religion, food are combined with the normal curriculum. Just as the right food is taught in elementary schools, we give information about Jewish food in it. When the new year of tree plants is celebrated, we make different projects on the environment, climate ‘.
The Jewish community in Germany’s commercial city Frankfurt has more than seven thousand members. There is a very beautiful Sohar restaurant where only Jewish food is available which is called Koshar. According to the Jewish religious book Torah, cooking meat in milk is prohibited, even meat is not cooked in the vessel in which the milk is kept first. All these things are taken care of in the kitchen. The Ignaz Bubis centre of the Jewish community in Frankfurt has all the facilities. The director of this centre, Stéphan Shayak, states that ‘Frankfurt being a state with diverse culture and religions has a lot of tolerance here. That is why we did not have any difficulty in establishing ourselves here. Many institutions of the state-assisted us and then we could build kindergarten schools, old age homes, restaurants’.
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, nearly one lakh 90 thousand Jews came to Germany and due to this, the number of people in the Jewish communities increased here. Many people have employment problems and this Jewish community centre in Frankfurt tries to integrate people from outside into German society, also runs programs to teach them German because language is necessary for dissolving in society. And learning German is not easy for many.
The synagogue is also the Jewish worship house in Frankfurt. But it is not quite traditional. Shayak says that conservative people can go to liberal worship houses but it cannot reverse. So this Synagogue was created with the goal of taking everyone together. This place of worship is a very beautiful architecture. Blue and golden colours decorating the dome and windows. Some of them were destroyed during World War II and some are the same.
Regarding the Synagogue, Frankfurt Shayak, director of the Frankfurt Jewish community, states that ‘At first it was a liberal Synagogue because it has an organ here which will not be found in traditional Orthodox Jewish temples. There is a very conservative part in this section of our Synagogue, a moderate and a modern. Liberal Synagogues may be conservative but not conservative in the traditional part. That is why we have made the place of prayer in such a way that all the Jews can come here to pray on festivals, New Year ‘.
There are two more places of worship in this Synagogue, where prayer is done in a very traditional way. The doors for women to come and sit and the doors to come here are also different. The second part is a very modern prayer house where everyone prays together. No mic or loudspeakers are allowed at any Jewish religious site. It is a place of meditation. When we visited the restaurateur, the school of the Jewish community in Frankfurt, we saw that there are huge security arrangements. There were security arrangements outside the Synagogue as well.
On the night of November 9 to November 10, 1938, in the proceedings against the Jews, their houses, shops and places of worship were destroyed. According to official figures, 91 people were killed, 267 temples and community sites were destroyed and around seven and a half thousand shops were destroyed. But in reality, their number was in thousands. After the process of killing the Jews started.
The only university in Germany that offers Jewish culture courses in language and culture is the Heinrich Heine the University of Düsseldorf.
Originally published at