CAA : How much India respects its women?

Faizan Musanna
4 min readJan 27, 2020


Abusing the woman is a reflection of violent nature and this the is part of human history. Women are leading the protest against anti-citizenship law in India, because of this, they are being targeted by police. Many women in Lucknow’s Ghantaghar told me that the male police officers abused them. Those women told when they expressed their objection, they used abusive religious language against them. A similar report by Amnesty International India shows the same thinking of men towards women.

According to the human rights organization Amnesty International India, during the general elections in India last year, about a hundred women politicians were abused on social media. These included threats like murder and rape. He received around one million hate messages on Twitter between March and May. There were a total of 724 women candidates in the general elections of India.

The human rights organization has expressed concern about the increasing online violence against women worldwide. Digital rights experts say that gender-based online violence is on the rise, aimed at preventing women from appearing in public positions.

In this report, BJP’s female leader Shazia Ilmi says, “People should understand what women face in politics. What they have to do and how unequal it is for them.” According to an Amnesty spokesperson, the online abuse cases against women leaders have worsened or improved, it is not clear. For the first time in the country, such research has been done on such a large scale. But according to Adrian Lovett, head of the World Wide Web Foundation, gender-based online violence is increasing globally in developed and developing countries.

Lovett, who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, “Gender-based violence is on the rise. It is not happening in a particular country or region. This is the reality of developing countries and North America, Europe and There is a growing challenge around the world. The participation of women in politics is being affected, especially young women from public life due to online harassment. Making the whole. “

Women leaders were victims of online violence during elections.

Amnesty has not revealed the names of the leaders in its report on India. Women hold 14 per cent of the seats in the lower house of parliament, while 11 per cent of the members in the upper house are women. Amnesty did similar research in the UK and the US in 2018 and after researching 323 women leaders, it was found that they were mentioned in 7 per cent of tweets intended to offend and humiliate them. Many women leaders in Britain, upset over the online abusive Gallouches, decided not to enter the general election last year.

Amnesty has said on Twitter that it should take tough measures on online indecency and a more robust policy will have to be put in place to protect women. Twitter says that it does not approve of abuses and harassment on its platform. He also said that with the help of technology, 50 per cent of such material has been identified. According to Twitter, he is aware that due to indecency, people are unable to say their words with independence.

The #MeToo or #EnaZeda movement started thereafter footage surfaced of a lawmaker allegedly masturbating outside a school in the Arab country of Tunisia. Many women told on social media how they have faced sexual harassment. Earlier, the reality of many white-collar people came out through this movement all over the world.

The echo of the song “A Rapist in your Path” by Chilean women activists were heard all over the world. Social workers in many countries such as Mexico, France and Turkey performed the song. The lyrics of the song criticized the government and countries that they are not taking adequate steps to stop rape. This song also dismisses the thinking that holds women responsible for sexual offences.

When a leader of the right-wing party Vox in Spain refused to sign a manifesto condemning violence against women, protesters came out on the streets of the capital Madrid and blocked traffic. Social activist Nadio Ottmann protested against Khavier Ortega Smith, saying, “You cannot play politics with sexual violence.”

In Japan, some professors and university students are running a campaign together to prevent sexual harassment of job-seeking graduates. He says that jobs are few and there are many willing people. In such a situation, the jobbers do not hesitate to take advantage of the helplessness of the graduates. Many youngsters do not even talk about it for fear of not getting a job.

There is no law against domestic violence in Russia. Three years ago, a bill was introduced in Parliament that could not pass. The bill was again brought to Parliament this year. But women rights activists are opposing it. He says that the bill does not have adequate provisions for the protection of women. They are advocating a stronger bill than this.

The United Nations says that there are more than one-third of women worldwide who have been victims of sexual violence at some point in their lives. Safety of women is a major issue in India since the 2012 gangrape scandal. Despite this, the incidents of rape are constantly making headlines.

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