Citizenship amendment bill dangerous, ban Amit Shah — US Commission
The Lok Sabha on Monday approved the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), in which people from Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian communities who came to India as of 31 December 2014 due to religious persecution from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan were granted Indian citizenship. There is a provision to make eligible to apply for. READ MORE
The Federal American Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) said that the Citizenship Amendment Bill is “a dangerous step in the wrong direction” and imposed a ban against India’s Home Minister Amit Shah if it is passed in India’s Parliament. should go. USCIRF said in a statement on Monday (December 9, 2019) that the passage of the bill in the Lok Sabha is a matter of great concern.
The Lok Sabha on Mo nday approved the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), in which people from Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian communities who came to India as of 31 December 2014 due to religious persecution from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan were granted Indian citizenship. There is a provision to make eligible to apply for.
The commission said, “If the cab is passed in both houses, then the US government should consider imposing sanctions against Home Minister Amit Shah and the main leadership.” He said, “This bill with religious norms introduced by Amit Shah USCIRF is extremely concerned with the passage in the Lok Sabha. ‘311 votes in favour of the Citizenship Amendment Bill and 80 votes in opposition, after which it was approved by the Lok Sabha. It will now be introduced in the Rajya Sabha.
Describing the Citizenship Amendment Bill as historic, Home Minister Amit Shah said on Monday that it had been a part of the BJP’s manifesto and that 130 crore people of the country had formed and approved it in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections led by Narendra Modi. is. The Congress, Trinamool Congress and other opposition parties, however, opposed it. The USCIRF alleged that the cab paves the way for immigrants to gain citizenship although it does not mention the Muslim community. In this way, the Bill sets the legal criteria for citizenship on the basis of religion.
He said, ‘The cab is a dangerous move in the wrong direction. This contradicts India’s rich history of secular pluralism and the Constitution of India which rises above religious discrimination to guarantee equality before the law. ‘The Commission has made the process of National Citizenship Register (NRC) in Assam and proposed by Home Minister Shah Talking about the nationwide NRC, ‘USCIRF fears that the Indian government will take a religious test for Indian citizenship. The situation has been created which may cause distress to citizenship for millions of Muslims. “
The Citizenship Amendment Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha on Monday. Meanwhile, 1000 Indian scientists and scholars have opened their front against the bill. Indian scientists and scholars from abroad and abroad have voiced their opposition to the bill by signing an online campaign. It states that this bill violates the basics of the Constitution. Scientists and scholars say that religion should not be used to grant citizenship.
This an online campaign has been signed by around 1000 people within 24 hours. It includes scientists and scholars from Jawaharlal Nehru University to the University of Toronto. This online campaign states that ‘this bill will give citizenship to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parsis and Christians who will belong to Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This bill states that these people will be those who are suffering from religious detection. This is a good movie of the government but it confers Indian citizenship on the basis of religion.
The constitution which was written after independence talks about equal treatment of people of all religions. The bill called for giving citizenship to religion as a basis, which would be inconsistent with the basic structure of the constitution. Excluding the Muslim community in the bill will affect the pluralistic society of the country. In such a situation, law experts have to decide whether this bill is in violation of the constitution or not. But as far as we feel this is violating the constitution.
Describing the bill as historic, Home Minister Amit Shah said on Monday that it has been a part of the manifesto of the BJP and that 130 crore people of the country have approved it by forming the government under the leadership of Narendra Modi in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections. During this, Shah said that through this bill, minorities are not being discriminated against.
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