Coronavirus: how Germany stopped the ‘tsunami of death’
By the second week of March, Europe was becoming the new hub of the coronavirus. Moving away from China, the entire world was focused on Europe.
It was proved in the coming days, countries like Italy, Spain, France and Britain were hit by it. Today the situation is such that the situation in these four countries remains very difficult.
At that time, a statement came from the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, who threw the people of Germany into disarray. Angela Merkel had said that 70 per cent of Germany’s population, or about 58 million people, could be infected with the Corona virus.
When Angela Merkel quarantined herself, the situation in Germany could be similar to Italy and Spain. But after a month, where hundreds of people are dying every day in Italy, Spain, France and Britain, Germany is far away. READ MORE
If seen, the number of people infected in Germany is around Italy and Germany. According to the latest statistics, the number of infected people in Germany is around 107,000, while this number is 135,000 in Italy and 141,000 in Spain.
But the difference is in the death of people and the difference is huge. Where more than 14 thousand people have died in Spain, in Italy more than 17 thousand people have died due to corona. But in Germany, this figure is around 2000.
According to this, the death rate due to corona in Germany is only 0.3 per cent, while it is 9 per cent in Italy and 4.6 per cent in Britain.
But it is not that everything is fine in Germany and there are no apprehensions. Health officials believe that the time to come is very challenging for the country.
Experts say that Germany had prepared for the test in early January and had developed the test kit. The first case of Corona in Germany came in February, but before that Germany had arranged test kits all over the country.
As a result, like South Korea, there was not only more testing but according to that people were also admitted to hospitals.
In Italy, the corona infection spread two weeks before in Italy. But how did Italy get ahead of Germany in terms of death. In fact, China has large economic participation in Italy, especially in the textile industry of northern Italy. Due to this, the infection spread rapidly there. This was not the case in Germany.
Experts also believe that the initial cases in Germany spread from the ski resorts of Austria and Italy to Germany. Due to this, initially only young people were affected by it.
But despite all this, Germany gave priority to testing from the very beginning.
Testing taxis were also run in many cities of Germany, which test the door-to-door of the people during the lockdown. This made it easier for people to get treatment on time, in which many countries of Europe initially missed.
Health officials in Germany sent this message to people that if you are feeling symptoms of infection, then there is no need to come to the hospital. People only have to inform the authorities by phone and their testing is done at home.
Germany tested over a million people in a week. The benefit of testing on time was that people were also treated on time. People were kept in isolation from time to time and it got better results.
Lothar Weiler, president of the Robert Koch Institute, told the media, “Germany started testing much earlier. We also found people with mild symptoms who could later become more ill.”
He also clarified that older people in Germany were infected with corona, but very few. In Italy, where the average age of corona victims is 63 years, in Germany, it is 47 years.
Professor Krauslik of the Charity Hospital in Berlin told the New York Times, “We did not just test people but also regular tests of doctors and nurses so that the corona did not spread much. Also, these tests were done free of cost. That the public came out and people got treatment in time. “
Germany gave equal priority to tracking along with testing. Many countries in Europe and America also missed it.
But Germany also learned a lesson about tracking from South Korea. Experts also say that governments should adopt an equally strict attitude in tracking as well as tracking.
Germany also paid less attention to it initially, so cases of infection increased rapidly. But once the Germans started paying attention to it, they not only identified the people who came in contact with the infected people but also delayed their treatment.
Due to this tracking in Germany, schools were closed long ago and a large number of people were kept in isolation.
Germany’s good health care system has also been praised in this case. Germany increased the number of ICUs in time and also focused on increasing the number of beds.
A German doctor, Suzanne Harold said that Germany has increased its capacity so much that now it is treating patients coming from Italy, Spain and France as well.
In January, Germany had 28 thousand ICU beds with ventilators, but now this number has increased to 40 thousand.
Germany’s health system is also being praised because there are six ICU beds for every 1000 people for such serious diseases, while in France it is 3.1, compared to 2.6 in Spain. There are only 2.1 such beds in the UK for 1000 people.
Germany’s health care the system is completely free, so people became more comfortable and people came forward and gave information about the infection.
Apart from all this, Germany took very strict steps in time. Whether it is the decision to close the borders or social distancing.
In late March Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that no more than three people could live together in public places.
The public strongly supported Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding social distancing and other restrictions. Awareness was also seen in the public of Germany. This is the reason that despite the complete lockdown in the country, people are following the restrictions well.
And this is a big reason that fewer people have died in Germany.
But among all this, there are some concerns about the health authorities of Germany. Many experts believe that bad times are yet to come to Germany.
The number of people infected with the virus in Germany is not small. It is sure that the death rate in Germany is quite low.
A report published in a famous German newspaper says that Germany is preparing itself for difficult times. German Minister Helge Brown says that this concern is about the number of people infected.
He told that the government’s attention is now on this and work is also being done in this direction. He has also pointed to increase the time for social distancing and other guidelines.
He also believed that the country needs a large number of masks and in the coming days its demand will increase further. The government is also preparing for this.
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