Guava helps in controlling diabetes

Faizan Musanna
4 min readNov 27, 2019


Uncontrolled blood sugar levels in the body can increase the risk of diabetes.

Diabetes patients need to be very conscious about diet. If you want to avoid diabetes and control the blood sugar level in the body, then it is important to take a healthy diet.

If you want to be healthy, then include fibre rich food in your daily diet. There are many foods that can help us control diabetes. READ MORE

There is also a risk of diabetes due to the imbalance of insulin in the body.

Although it is necessary for all people to consume pulses, but what should be eaten in sugar, which vegetable should be eaten in sugar.

It is important to take care of it. Also, the question of many diabetes patients is what fruits should be eaten in sugar. And what should be avoided in diabetes?

We do not remember to take care of our dietary needs in a busy life. Whatever we eat, it is sufficient to meet only some needs of our body.

Fibre plays an important role in our body. Fibre helps in controlling blood sugar level in the body. It is necessary to know what to eat and not to eat in such sugar.

We will answer many questions that arise in your mind here. So read here what to eat in diabetes or blood sugar. Which food can save us from diabetes

Linseed is a treasure of fibre. Consumption of linseed daily reduces heart diseases and reduces the risk of stroke.

Also controls blood sugar level and insulin sensitivity.

Along with this, one such food which can help us in fighting diabetes is guava.

Learn how guava can be helpful in controlling blood sugar.

Guava also has a lot of fibre. It also helps in fighting constipation. Diabetes patients often complain of constipation. This can be a great snack.

According to a study, guava is helpful in treating diabetes by reducing the level of blood sugar.

Indeed, guava reduces the function of an enzyme called alpha-glucosidase, which converts glucose into food in the blood. This keeps the blood sugar level under control.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 100 grams of guava contains 68 calories. Guava is considered one of the oldest fruits.

Guava contains a very good amount of vitamin C. Which is considered very good for the skin.

Vitamin A, folate, potassium are also found in guava. Guava has a low glycaemic index ie GI, which is helpful in keeping blood sugar under control.

This is a good fruit for hormone imbalance. Guava proves to be very good for patients with diabetes and heart.

Wash 5–6 leaves of guava and clean it thoroughly. After this, put these leaves in about 1 litre of water and boil it for 10 minutes and then filter the water and put it in a glass. You can add a little honey to it as a sweetener. Your tea is ready.

Diabetes is a disease that occurs once in a lifetime. There is a need to pay special attention to catering to control diabetes.

Diabetes patients should take such a diet that does not increase their blood glucose levels. Diabetics are advised to eat guava.

Guava contains 10.5 per cent protein, fat 0.2 calcium 1.01 per cent B 0.2 per cent. This fruit, despite being sweet, keeps diabetes under control. Diabetes patients should consume this fruit. We are telling you about it in detail.

Guava also contains fibre in addition to vitamin A and vitamin C. Alpha-glucosidase in tea made from guava leaf effectively lowers blood sugar in diabetics by reducing enzyme activity.

In addition, it prevents the body from absorbing sucrose and maltose, thereby controlling sugar levels. Drinking guava leaf tea for 12 weeks can reduce blood sugar levels without increasing insulin production.

Fibre-rich guava slows the consumption of sweet in the body.

Regular intake helps in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The effect of guava also has a good effect on pancreatic, which makes the regular intake of ripe guava very beneficial for diabetic patients.

Guava available in every season is full of vitamins and antioxidants.

Especially for diabetic patients, it is a boon. It can be eaten in many ways.

For a diabetic patient, put ripe guava in the fire, roast it and peel the roasted guava and mash it well and make a filling, add salt, pepper, as per taste.

Eat cumin seeds, it is very beneficial in diabetes.

Take 100 grams of seedless pieces of fresh guava and soak it in cold water for 4 hours.

After this, remove and discard the pieces of guava. Giving this water to a diabetic patient is beneficial.

Amaranth is beneficial but its juice is also beneficial.

Homemade juices retain both taste and quality. Juices are high in minerals and nutrients.

Guava is a nutrient mine, but a healthy person should avoid eating more than two guavas a day.

Due to difficulty indigestion, if possible, remove the seeds and eat them. There is no fear of stomach pain due to this.

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