Have you ever thought of using cola-like this?
Sometimes cold drinks containing cola are said to be bad for health due to excessive sugar, sometimes pesticides are released.
They may not be very good for drinking, but they can benefit from many household chores. Do you know that coke can do a lot of work besides quenching thirst?
Today we will tell you that information about Coca-Cola, which many people will be surprised to know but at the same time, it will also hurt that what we drink so much can be used in such away.
If you forgot to turn off the stove at the right time while preparing the food and in such a situation, the food has burnt and stuck to the pot, then it is very easy to clean it. Put cola in the burnt vessel and let it get hot, the scrape will separate.
Cola contains soda, so it is best for cleaning the front glass. No soap needed, just clean with cola and wash it with water. Just be careful that the paint does not hit the cola, otherwise, the paint may drop.
Rusting on the bumpers of old cars is common and extremely difficult to remove.
Crush the aluminium foil in your hand and make a circle and apply cola on it and do the cleaning. The rust will come out.
If you are picnicking somewhere in the open, then ants and insects can disturb you. An easy trick is to keep cola away from your food items. Ants will be attracted to cola and your food will be safe.
Rise oil spots are often seen in the car in the garage. These spots on cement can also be cleaned with cola. Similarly, cola is also a good option for cleaning tiles.
Cola can be used in every corner of the toilet. Put cola in place of toilet cleaner and leave it for a while and then flush. After this use a toilet brush, the dirt will come out easily.
In India, people rarely eat things like steak, but if they are to be made at home, then using cola can be easy. This causes the meat to melt quickly.
If there are spots of grease, blood or spices, try putting cola on the cloth. Grind a little and then wash the cloth in clean water, the stain will come out. But keep in mind that do not let the cloth get soaked in cola for too long, otherwise, its colour will fall on the cloth.
Along with cleaning, cola can also be used in plant growing. It sounds strange, but the plants blossom quickly after mixing cola with water.
If there is a dark colour on your hair, then wash your hair with Coca-Cola. This will cause the colour in your hair to disappear.
You can also use it as a pesticide. Put it in a spray bottle and sprinkle it on the plants, it will keep your plants free from germs.
You can also use it to mop. By mixing Coca-Cola with water, germs stay away and the floor also looks shiny.
If the brightness of your eyeglass lens has gone, you should clean it with Coca-Cola. Within a few minutes, the lens of your glasses will start looking like new.
If your bathroom seat is yellow. So you mix a little Coca-Cola in the water and clean it thoroughly with the brush.
You can also use Coca-Cola to treat the sting of a bee or wasp. This reduces pain, after which you can seek medical attention.
To clean the car battery
You can also use coco-cola to remove rust that has accumulated in the terminals of your car’s battery. After putting the cocoa-cola in the rusted area of the car’s battery, clean it with an old toothbrush. When the rust is removed, clean it with a cloth.
If there are traces of blood on your bedsheets or any clothes during the Mahavriya, then you can clean it using Cocoa-Cola. Then clean your sheets using detergent.
To remove chewing gum from hair
If chewing gum sticks in your hair, you do not need to cut your hair to remove it. For this you keep your hair immersed in cola for 10 minutes.
Old coins that are difficult to read, you can use cocoa-cola to clean them. For this, you dip the coins in Cocoa-Cola. After keeping it for half an hour you will see that the colour of your coin is changing.
Window and glass cleaning
Coca-Cola contains citric acid which makes it an excellent cleaner for windows and glass. With this, you can clean the glass of the car and the window glass thoroughly and all the stains will also be removed. This option is much cheaper than other glass cleaners available in the market.
Originally published at https://www.mubahisa.in.