How did Savarkar become ‘Veer’, after apologizing the British?

Faizan Musanna
7 min readOct 19, 2019


Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, he is also known as Veer Savarkar, who founded political ‘Hindutva’, different from Hinduism. In many important states of the Center and the country, the ruling party BJP does politics of this ideology of Hindutva. READ MORE

BJP had also announced to make nationalism its most prominent agenda. Savarkar gave this idea to the BJP on the basis of the idea of ​​Hindutva which dreams of building India. Today, from speeches of BJP leaders to posters of the party, Savarkar gets an important place.

At a time when the party running on the agenda of militant Hindu nationalism is in power, it seems important to consider Hindutva and its founder VD Savarkar. What were Savarkar’s thoughts? What was his contribution to the freedom struggle? What role did Savarkar play in the freedom movement, due to which he was awarded the title of Veer Savarkar, this question is very important. READ MORE

In India, there is a mutual relationship between nationalism and national independence movement. Nationalism was the spirit of India’s independence movement, which was at the core of the entire movement. During this time, the idea of ​​Hindu nationalism or Hindu nationalism was coined.

Savarkar is the creator of that Hindutva, which proved to be a divide between Hindus and Muslims. Like the two-nation theory of the Muslim League, their Hindutva also helped the British in the policy of ‘divide and rule’.

This freedom struggle was mainly fought under the leadership of the Congress for an independent democratic secular India. The ‘Muslim Nationalists’ under the banner of Muslim League and the ‘Hindu Nationalists’ under the banner of ‘Hindu Mahasabha’ and ‘RSS’ opposed this freedom struggle saying that Hindu and Muslim are two separate nations. To thwart the freedom struggle, these Hindu and Muslim nationalists joined hands with their colonial masters so that they could acquire the religious state of their choice ‘Hindusthan’ or ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and Pakistan or Islamic nation. ‘
Savarkar is the original thinker of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh who considers Hindu-Muslim as two separate nations. Since then, in the following years also, the Sangh has remained dependent on the idea of ​​the Hindu nation and the idea of ​​Hindu nationalism. In contrast, the Congress also curses the Congress, Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru for the partition of India-Pakistan. For the Hindu nationalists in the current era, they are the biggest ‘traitors’ who are against communalism, who are going to follow the secular idea.

As the Prime Minister has said that he is a ‘Hindu nationalist’ in an interview if it is a matter of pride to be a ‘Hindu nationalist’, then pride creates a problem. Similarly, Muslim nationalists, Sikh nationalists, Christians will be nationalists. There are so many nationalists that it will stand as a threat in many troops against Indian nationalism. What is it like to take pride in this Hindu nationalism which advocates taking a nation of diversity like India on the same pattern?

The Hindu nationalists instead of supporting Indian fighters during the freedom struggle joined the British and got the honour of not taking action on behalf of the British. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose attempted to liberate India with the help of Germany and Japan. During this period, ‘Hindu nationalists’ supported the British rulers instead of helping Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Savarkar helped recruit soldiers for the British Empire in India. Later, Savarkar carried forward the agenda of Hindutva which helped in creating a distinction between Hindu and Muslims.

Shamsul Islam, quoting Veer Savarkar Samvad Vandmay, writes, ‘The Hindu nationalists strengthened the hands of the British rulers in defeating Netaji’s liberation struggle instead of helping Netaji. The Hindu Mahasabha organized camps for recruitment of British forces under the leadership of ‘Veer’ Savarkar. Hindutvaists had surrendered completely to the British rulers, which is further clarified by the following statement of ‘Veer’ Savarkar-

‘As far as India’s security is concerned, Hindu society should feel free to engage with the spirit of sympathetic cooperation in the war effort of the Government of India as long as it is in the benefit of Hindu interests. Hindus should join the army, navy and air force in large numbers and enter all arms, ammunition, and munitions factories, etc.

It is important to note that due to Japan’s jump in the war, we have come directly on the target of attacks by the enemies of Britain. So whether we want it or not, we have to save our family and home from the ravages of war and this can only be done by strengthening the government war efforts to protect India. Therefore Hindu Mahasabhais should motivate Hindus to join forces without delay, especially in the provinces of Bengal and Assam, as effectively as possible. ‘

Justice Markandey Katju, a former Supreme Court judge, writes in one of his articles, “Many believe that Savarkar was a great freedom fighter. But what is the truth? The truth is that many nationalists were arrested during the British Raj. In jail, the British officials used to lure him or her to meet with him or spend his whole life in jail. Then many people were ready to become an ally of British rule. It also includes Savarkar.

Justice Katju says, “Actually, Savarkar remained a nationalist till 1910 only. This was the time when he was arrested and was sentenced to life imprisonment. After spending nearly ten years in jail, the British authorities proposed to be allies before him, which Savarkar accepted. After coming out of jail, Savarkar started promoting Hindu communalism and became a British agent. He used to carry forward the British policy of ‘divide and rule’.

Justice Katju writes, “Savarkar was the president of the Hindu Mahasabha during the Second World War. He then promoted this slogan, ‘Give politics as Hindu and militarize Hindus’. Savarkar also supported the British rule in India demanding military training of Hindus for the war. After this, when Congress started the Quit India Movement in 1942, Savarkar criticized it. He asked the Hindus not to disobey the British Government. At the same time, he asked the Hindus to join the army and learn the art of war. Does Savarkar deserve respect and should be called a freedom fighter? Why talk about Savarkar like ‘Veer’? He became a British agent after 1910. ‘

Shamsul Islam writes, referring to the Hindutva of Veer Savarkar, “In fact, the RSS follows the ideology laid down by ‘Veer’ Savarkar. It is no secret that ‘Veer’ Savarkar remained a great proponent of the worship of casteism and Manusmriti throughout his life. According to this inspiration of ‘Hindu Nationalism’ — ‘Manusmriti is a scripture which is most revered for our Hindu nation after Vedas and which has become the basis of our culture, customs, thought and conduct since ancient times. For centuries, this book has codified the spiritual and divine campaign of our nation. Even today, the rules that crores of Hindus follow in their life and conduct are based on Manusmriti. Today Manusmriti is Hindu law. ‘

Nathuram Godse shot and killed Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. There were eight accused in this murder that shook the entire continent, one of which was also named VD Savarkar. However, this charge against him could not be proved and he was acquitted.

He was involved in revolutionary activities until 1910–11. He was caught in 1911 and was imprisoned in the infamous jail in Andaman. He was sentenced to 50 years, but within a few months of the commencement of the sentence, he petitioned the British government that he be released. After this, he made several petitions. In his petition, he promised the British that ‘if I am released, I will separate myself from the freedom struggle of India and will continue my loyalty to the British Government.’ After leaving the Andaman prison, he also kept this promise and Never indulged in any revolutionary activity, nor got caught.

VD Savarkar filed a petition in 1913 in which he mentioned all the things happening with him and finally wrote, ‘Huzoor, I would like to remind you again that my petition of forgiveness in 1911 sent in your kindness Reconsider and recommend it to the Government of India. The latest developments in Indian politics and the government’s policies to take everyone along, have opened the constitutionalist path once again. Now no one who wants the good of India and humanity will blindly walk those thorny paths, as the hopeless and excitement-filled atmosphere of 1906–07 strayed us from the path of peace and progress. ‘

In his petition, Savarkar writes, ‘If the government releases me in its infinite goodwill and kindness, I assure you that I will be the most ardent supporter of constitutionalist development and will be loyal to the English government, which is the first condition of development. is. As long as we are in jail, there cannot be real happiness and happiness in the homes of hundreds of thousands of loyal people of His Majesty, because there is no greater relationship than blood relations. If we are released, people will shout slogans in favour of the government with joy and gratitude, which knows more forgiveness and correction than punishment and revenge. ‘

In the next part of the petition, he also promises to bring more Indians in favour of the government, writing, ‘Even more, my conversion in a constitutionalist way will bring all those wandering youth living outside India and India on the right path. , Who once used to see me as their guide. I am ready to serve in whatever form the Government of India wants, because as my conversion calls for conscience, so will my future behaviour. The benefit you get from keeping me in jail is nothing compared to the benefit of having me released from prison. The one who is powerful, he can be kind and where can a promising son return other than the government door. Hope, Hazur will consider my petitions with kindness. ‘

How can Savarkar Veer, who indulged in such activities and apologize for mercy, be called, who, unlike Subhash Chandra Bose, helped recruit Indians for the English army? Savarkar’s contribution is that he gave the ideology of Hindutva in India, which advocates the domination of religion, unlike democracy.

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