How to protect your eyes when you have diabetes

Faizan Musanna
3 min readOct 20, 2019


Having this disease means that you are likely to have eye problems, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular oedema, cataract, and glaucoma. They can cause poor eyesight and even loss of your vision. The best way to prevent these issues is to manage your diabetes well so that you avoid high blood sugar which can damage the proteins damaged by blood vessels and glucose.

Moderate exercise lowers your blood sugar and your blood pressure, and it increases your “good” HDL cholesterol — and that’s all good news for the blood vessels in your eyes.

Even a brisk walk and cleaning of the house counts as physical activity. Most people should get at least 30 minutes on most days. Check with your doctor before starting a new fitness program.

Omega-3s have been linked to lower rates of diabetic retinopathy in fatty fish such as salmon, halibut, albacore tuna, mackerel, and sardines. Scientists find that they help protect against inflammation and abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eye. Omega-3s also help your cholesterol, which is good for your blood vessels and therefore good for your eyes. Two servings should be done in a week.

Stress can increase your blood sugar as well as your blood pressure. Experts say that meditation can help you solve problems with annoying worries and leave unsightly, useless thoughts. Calm your mind and give relief to your body! Check out the Mindfulness Meditation App, talk to a therapist or try a group meditation class.

Dehydration can increase blood sugar levels. But since soda and juice can bump your glucose, splashing water is safe. If you are not a fan of plain stuff, infect it with fruits or herbs (strawberries and mint) to taste without sugar.

The powerful UV rays of the sun can damage your eyes and increase the risk of eye problems including cataracts.

Since you cannot change the fact that you have diabetes, you can do some control about what you do. Even on cloudy days, at least 99% of the UV-A and UV-B rays wear sunglasses.

Black, leafy greens such as bananas, spinach, romaine lettuce, and collard and turnip greens contain a lot of nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants help protect cells in your retina and, along with vitamin E, can also help you avoid cataracts. Broccoli, peas, corn and eggs are also good sources.

For this to do its work, you have to follow the instructions. Including when, how and how much. If you take insulin, keep it out of sunlight, at the right temperature. Tell your doctor if your blood sugar often measures too high or too low. Your dose, or the type of medicine you take, may need to be adjusted.

This slows down the release of glucose in your system. And many foods soluble fibre can also help lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. Nutritionists recommend at least 20–30 grams of fibre per day. So start your morning with oatmeal or oat-based cereals. Other good sources include whole grains and barley, beans and lentils, nuts, brinjal and okra, and fruits with pectin (such as apples, strawberries, grapes and citrus).

Smoking is not bad for your health — it is bad for your eyes. For example, you are twice as likely to have cataracts. And it is at the top of higher odds for problems caused by diabetes. Smokers are more likely to have diabetic retinopathy and rapidly deteriorate.

When an eye problem starts, you cannot see a change in your vision. Examining the eyes at least once a year helps your eye doctor to get a better look inside your eye, on the retina and optic nerve, to check for the first signs of damage. When you catch diseases early and get treatment right away, you can overcome more serious problems later.

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