India is a big market, so the world is silent: Imran Khan
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan alleged in the United Nations General Assembly that India rejected all efforts to make peace on his behalf.
Imran Khan warned the world in his 50-minute speech that if anything happens between India and Pakistan, “anything can happen.”
Prime minister Imran Khan said, “When a country seven times smaller in size has the option to surrender or struggle till death. Then we will fight till the end and when the war ends, the consequences will be beyond the limits. It’s a natural concern. “
India didn’t respond positively
Imran Khan mentioned his efforts for peace.
He said, “When we came to power, my priority was to make Pakistan a country that is ahead in establishing peace. After 9/11, we joined the war against terrorism.”
Imran Khan claimed that he constantly tried to improve relations with India.
He said, “The first thing we did was that we tried to make contact with India. I told Modi that our problems are the same. Poverty and climate change. Let us build a relationship based on trust. Let us go forward.” “
Imran Khan claimed that he did not get any positive response from India.
He said, “Unfortunately, he did not take any step for progress. We thought it was time for elections and he did not want to have a close relationship with Pakistan.”
Modi government is on special agenda
“After that, a 20-year-old boy blew himself up in Pulwama. His father said that he was under the influence of the Kattawadi forces. I asked India to give us the proof. Instead of giving evidence they sent planes. We gave two Dropped. Captured a pilot but returned them. “
Imran Khan further said, “Instead of considering it as peace the initiative, Modi launched an election campaign against Pakistan.”
Imran said that when India abolished the special status of Kashmir on August 5 and imposed every kind of ban on 8 million people, they understood that the Modi government has a special agenda behind it.
He said that India has taken this step against the Simla Agreement and its own constitution.
He said that when the ban in Indian-administered Kashmir will be lifted, there is a possibility of genocide there. Imran said that 8 million Kashmiris are living life like animals.
He alleged that the world is silent on the alleged excesses taking place in Indian-administered Kashmir because India is a big market.
Imran said that there is a lot of apprehensions that Kashmiri youths should be involved in any violence in India and India should hold Pakistan responsible for it.
He said that if there is a war between India and Pakistan, then being a small country, Pakistan will have no option but to use nuclear weapons.
Through his address in the UN General Assembly, he informed the whole the world that if this happens, the impact of this will not be limited to India-Pakistan only.
He made the United Nations realize his responsibility and said that India and Pakistan stand today where Europe stood in 1939.
He said that in 1939, Europe appeased Hitler, as a result of which the world had to go through the second world war. He appealed to the world that this is the situation in Kashmir today and the world should intervene in it.
UN should take responsibility
Imran said that the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, who is a lifelong member of the National Self-Service Association (RSS), considers Hitler and Mussolini as their ideals. According to Imran, the ideology of the RSS killed Mahatma Gandhi.
Imran Khan said that the United Nations should fulfil its responsibility and it should implement its own proposals in the case of Kashmir.
He said that the whole world, including the United Nations, should pressurize India to remove the ban on Kashmir first. Imran said that Kashmiri politicians and thousands of children and youth who are in custody should be released immediately. He said that Kashmiris should get the right to self-determination.
Imran Khan gave a long speech of about 50 minutes. Apart from Kashmir, he mentioned climate change, increasing poverty in the world and Islamophobia.
Earlier, Imran Khan said that terrorism has nothing to do with any religion. Addressing the United Nations General Assembly on Friday, Imran Khan said that Islamophobia has increased after the 9/11 incident and it should end.
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