Mother’s diabetes increases the risk of this disease in children
Children of mothers with diabetes have a higher risk of early heart disease. These children can have heart disease at any time from childhood until the age of 40 years. Recent research warns this. According to research published in the journal The BMJ, children of mothers who suffer from heart disease or diabetes are at higher risk of these diseases.
Women should be tested continuously: Researchers at Aarhus University, Denmark said, “Our research finds evidence that there is a higher risk of heart disease in the first three-four decades of age in children whose mothers have a history of heart disease or diabetes.” Researchers said that at the age of becoming a mother, women should be constantly screened to prevent diabetes.
Worldwide, cases of diabetes are increasing in women during pregnancy. These women have a higher risk of heart disease in their children. In addition, these children may also have high blood pressure and high sugar problems. However, it is unclear how much diabetes affects the baby during pregnancy.
The research found that women who were suffering from diabetes had a 29 per cent higher risk of heart disease in their children in the first 40 years. Researchers also found that these children had 45 per cent cardiac arrest, hypertensive disease 78 per cent, deep vein thrombosis 82 per cent and pulmonary embolism 91 per cent.
Due to lifestyle changes, people are vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. Diabetes is also a disease in which the number of patients is increasing steadily. Also, now this disease is taking children too.
One and a half year old Raju is suffering from diabetes. None of Raju’s parents have had this disease nor has there been any other patient in his family. Despite this, Raju suffers from diabetes type one. Hospitalized Raju receives six injections every day. In addition, he is given a dose of insulin. Hundreds of innocent people like Raju are vulnerable to this disease.
In this regard, the chief doctor of doctors treating serious diseases like diabetes, AK Singh says that the number of people suffering from diabetes in newborns is increasing constantly. However, the exact reason for this has not been known yet. In this, the child suddenly suffers from viral and starts to become anti-bodies (anti-disease) in opposition to the pancreas of the beta cells of his body, which makes the child become a victim of diabetes.
Doctor Singh said that even if the mother suffers from diabetes during pregnancy, the child does not have diabetes, her weight definitely increases. However, 27 per cent of such children continue to suffer from diabetes. If both parents are suffering from diabetes then the percentage increases to 30 to 50. If there is a history of this disease in the family, then this percentage increases to 70 per cent. According to the Delhi Diabetes Organization, more than 18 lakh people in the capital are suffering from this disease.
Dr Surendra Kumar of a famous hospital in Lucknow says that in the last few years, the number of type 2 diabetes patients has seen an increase in Lucknow, which is usually in older people. Type two diabetes is being seen even at the age of 10 to 18 years. The main reason for this is food and obesity.
Diabetes is caused by a decrease in the amount of insulin in the body or the insulin present in the body cannot function properly and the blood sugar level in the body increases. In type one diabetes, a hormone called pancreatic insulin is not detected, due to which glucose is not able to give energy to the cells of the body. In this type, insulin injections are routinely taken to keep glucose levels normal in the blood. While type 2 makes pancreatic insulin, insulin is produced in small amounts.
Avoid fatty food. Stay away from junk food. Make a change in lifestyle and do at least half an hour of exercise every day.
There are many foods which are harmful to eat in diabetes, as well as excessive intake of them also increases the risk of diabetes. So let’s know which diets are a threat to your children’s health?
There was a time when diabetes was seen only in adults, but due to negligence of health, diabetes is also making children a victim. But if parents wish, then they can keep away from this by improving their children’s food habits. There are many foods which are harmful to eat in diabetes, as well as excessive intake of them also increases the risk of diabetes. So let’s know which diets are a threat to the health of your children.
A tendency to eat fast food is usually seen in children two or more times a week. In such a situation, the extra calories which are getting into the body of children through fast food are not completely consumed by their physical activity and due to this, they become obese. Obesity increases the chances of diseases like shortness of breath and diabetes in children.
Diabetes should be avoided in sugar and sugar-based foods. High-sugar foods such as chocolate, candy, and cookies do not contain nutrients and are low in carbohydrates, which can increase the level of sugar in the blood. Apart from this, eating sugar increases obesity which is dangerous for diabetics.
Children love soft drinks, which they drink without stopping, while the amount of sugar is found in it, so its intake increases the level of sugar in the blood. It also has a very high-calorie content. Which helps in getting diabetes.
White bread acts like sugar while digesting after eating. Therefore, diabetes patients should avoid eating white bread. White bread can increase the level of sugar in the blood, which is fatal for diabetes. Children should not give more white bread.
Children should be kept away from the addiction of cakes and pastries, as sodium, sugar, etc. are used while making the cake, which increases the level of sugar in the blood. It also affects the function of insulin. Apart from this, cakes and pastries also increase heart diseases.
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