Secrets of hotels that will give relief to your pocket
We often stay at the hotel. But many of us do not know that hotels rob us.
Sex, Drugs And Rock’N’Roll. These are not new to the hotel industry. But fast music, used condoms and alcohol, indicate something else. Know what’s happening in luxurious hotels
Are hotels becoming a hub of modern slavery and human trafficking? Booking on time, paying in cash and coming to the hotel without any luggage. All these points point towards the dark world of hotels.
Modern slavery appears in the hotel industry in three ways. First, hotel rooms are being used for sexual exploitation of someone. Second, the goods that are being used in hotels can be made through child labour or forced labour. Third, workers hired through contractors are forced to work in an environment of exploitation and bullying.
All these things have been adopted in a different way to rob you, who have nothing to do with these things. Come, understand and know what are the ways that can save you from this loot.
Here are some of the secrets of hotels that will save your pocket.
Insects love wood. They are born there, thrive. So even if the cupboard looks clean, there is a house of insects in it. So avoid keeping your clothes there. Forrest Jones says to keep it on the floor, do not keep the suitcase in the cupboard at all.
Ethics says that the bed should be washed and replaced every time the guest leaves. But not all hotels do this. Michael, who runs a hospitality consulting firm in the US, says that everything that has come in contact with the skin of the previous guest should be changed. But even big luxury hotels do not do this.
Sharon, CEO of a luxury hotel firm, says that the rent of any hotel room should be based on the amount spent on it. That is, if a thousand dollars have been spent on a room, then one night’s rent will be only one dollar. So a 300-dollar room should cost three million dollars.
A hairdryer is a home to germs. Research shows that most of the germs are in the hairdryer apart from TV remote and bedside lamp. This is because scavengers often forget to clean these things with a spray.
The items kept in the minibar seem to be the most royal feature. But there is nothing like that. They are one of the most expensive things in the room. Many times, up to $ 10 is taken for a bottle of Coca-Cola, while it is not even worth a dollar.
Where do you leave the towels when you vacate the hotel? Research by Forrest says that towels are often found under the bed or on the floor next to the bed. Think how clean they must be. Jones says that in the hotel, take a clean and washed towel.
Many people book hotels online. But do call once and ask for the fare from the hotel desk. You can negotiate several times there. Every hotel commissions online booking websites. Sometimes up to 25%. That commission will also be taken from your pocket.
Not everything is free in every hotel. The money for the water bottle, internet service or soap kept in the bathroom is charged separately. If you want to save this money, then ask the hotel whether it is free or not. While going, check the bill also, for which money has been deducted.
The hotel which will be a part of a big chain will be expensive because it’s brand name is money. You can get the same kind of hotel in the same hotel for much less than that. Then why pay more? what is in a name! Likewise, local things get much better in local hotels.
Children eat less. Then why take the plate big? Whenever ordering food in a hotel, ask if they have a plate for children? Many times hotels provide it on your demand.
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