The human body is amazing

Faizan Musanna
5 min readNov 8, 2019


Human being has such a structure that if you study properly then you will be forced to say that God is the greatest.

Our lungs filter 2 million litres of air every day. We don’t even know about it. If the lungs are pulled, it will cover a part of the tennis court. Read More

Our body makes 25 million new cells every second. Also, it makes more than 200 billion blood cells every day. Every time 2500 billion blood cells are present in the body. One drop of blood contains 250 million cells. Read More

Travel millions of kilometres

Human blood travels 1,92,000 km in the body every day. There is an average of 5.6 litres of blood in our body which rotates once every 20 seconds.

The heart of a healthy person beats 100,000 times every day. It has been beating more than 30 million times a year. The pumping pressure of the heart is so fast that it can bounce the blood up to 30 feet.

All cameras and telescopes fail

The human eye can detect fine differences in a million colours.

At present, there is no such machine in a world that can compete with it.

There is a natural air conditioner in our nose. It cools the hot air and transmits the cold air to the lungs.

The nervous system delivers the necessary instructions to the rest of the body at a speed of 400 km per hour. There are more than 100 billion nerve cells in the human brain.

The body contains 70 per cent of water. In addition, there are large amounts of carbon, zinc, cobalt, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, nickel and silicon.

The speed of the exit air during the waking hours can be 166 to 300 km / h. It is impossible to open your eyes and yawn.

10 per cent of a person’s weight is due to bacteria present in the body. There are 32 million bacteria in one square inch of skin.

The strange world of ENT

Eyes develop completely in childhood. Later there is no development in them. At the same time, the nose and ears develop throughout life.

Ears can detect differences in millions of voices. The ears hear sound waves between 1,000 and 50,000 Hz.

Human teeth are strong like a rock. But other parts of the body repair themselves, while the teeth do not repair themselves when they are ill.

Every day 1.7 litres of saliva is produced in a human’s mouth. The saliva keeps the digestive food moist with over 10,000 taste glands present in the tongue.

Scientists think that the eyelids blink to get the sweat out of the eyes and retain moisture in them. Women blink twice as often as men.

The thumbnail grows at the slowest speed. At the same time, the nail of the middle or middle finger grows the fastest.

Beard hair grows fastest in men. If a person does not shave his whole life, then the beard can grow up to 30 feet long.

A person usually spends five years of his life eating food. We have eaten 7,000 times more food than our weight.

Only humans and dolphin fish have sex for fun. The rest of the creatures have sex to produce children.

Every day 80 hairs fall from the head of a healthy person.

A human being starts dreaming in the womb of the mother, before coming to the world. The child develops rapidly in the spring.

A person’s energy burns during sleep. The brain stores important information. The body gets to rest and repair work is also done. Hormones responsible for physical development are released during sleep.

A new twist in the story of human learning to walk

The information has been found about fossils found in southern Germany which was alive about 16 million years ago.

Its discovery can bring dramatically changes in the story of humans walking on two legs.

On Wednesday, scientists told that this cup, named Danuvius Guggenmossi, is equipped with the qualities of both humans and cups.

Its lower limbs are adapted to walk on two legs, so it is adept at catching branches of trees by spreading long arms. This suggests that Danuvius could stand upright and walk on two legs. Also, it used its two hands and both legs very well while jumping on trees. This is the oldest ever known standing upright.

This discovery shows that the art of walking on two legs was done in the common ancestor of humans and monkeys.

The origin of Homo sapiens, the ancestor of modern humans in Africa, is believed to be about 3 million years ago.

By far the oldest fossil of the creature walking on two legs was just six million years old which was found in Kenya.

It was of Ororin Tuganensis, one of the lost ancestors of humans, whose footprints were also found in the Mediterranean island of Crete.

Danuvius’ discovery could change the old story of walking on two legs. Till now it has been believed that in East Africa six million years ago a creature like a chimpanzee started walking on two legs.

Danuvius shows that standing upright was discovered on trees rather than on the ground. Buayme also said that what was previously believed that humans and the last common ancestor of Kapi did not develop it in many stages.

However, the size of the male cup is much closer to the male chimpanzee and bonobo. The male weighs around 30 kg while the female weighs 20 kg. Danuvius is just three feet in length.

The place where Danuvius lived was warm, situated on a flat land filled with forests and winding rivers. At least four Danuvius fossils have been found in the Algae region of Bavaria, Germany.

Many important parts have been found. However, the entire skull has not been found. Bones of the extremities, spine, finger and thumbs have been found, with the help of which researchers have found out his movement. Scientists have also been successful in detecting the movements of Danuvius, hip, knee and ankle joints.

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