What is the relationship between insulin and diabetes?
Insulin is a type of hormone that is produced in the pancreas. Our stomach converts carbohydrates into blood sugar. This blood sugar is converted into energy through insulin. If the pancreas stops making insulin, the blood glucose will not convert to energy. Due to lack of energy, a person will get tired quickly, so to be energetic, it is necessary to produce insulin.
Insulin is very useful for our body. It is only through insulin that the blood gets sugar in the blood, that is, insulin acts to deliver sugar to other parts of the body. The sugar delivered by insulin provides energy to cells or cells. Therefore, patients with diabetes are given additional doses of insulin.
Insulin is given to normalize blood sugar in patients with diabetes. It is believed that diabetes patients always need insulin, in fact, it is not. A patient with type 2 diabetes can also treat it without insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with medications as well as proper catering and regular routines.
Insulin is divided into four types. Short-acting insulin- Its effect is very fast (in 30–36 minutes) and it remains effective for 6–8 hours. Intermediate Acting Insulin- It works very slowly (in 1–2 hours) and remains effective for 10–14 hours. Log acting insulin remains effective for 24 hours and is a mixture of insulin used in combination.
If you are using intermediate-acting insulin, then use them twice a day. Use short-acting insulin three times a day and if you are using log acting, then use it once a day before sleeping too.
Patients above ten years of age should use insulin by themselves. The insulin kit should have all the necessary items such as — Spirit of insulin, cotton and insulin syringe. Clean the hands thoroughly before using the insulin.
Diabetes patients are given insulin according to their sugar level. If despite the insulin, sugar levels are not controlled then their insulin levels are also increased. The effects of diabetes vary greatly in patients, insulin is given to a diabetic patient to reduce the negative effects of diabetes.
Do you know that if your diabetes is not under control then you can be a victim of many diseases? But at the same time, it is also important for you to know that diabetes patients who take insulin also have negative effects. The primary structure of insulin was discovered by the British molecular biologist Fredrik Sanger. This was the first protein whose chain was known. In 1958, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work. Let’s learn about the additional effects of insulin in diabetes.
Insulin is a type of hormone that is produced in the pancreas. Our stomach converts carbohydrates into blood sugar. This blood sugar is converted into energy through insulin. If the pancreas stops making insulin, the blood glucose will not convert to energy. Due to lack of energy, a person will get tired quickly, so to be energetic, it is necessary to produce insulin.
Insulin is very useful for our body. It is only through insulin that the blood gets sugar in the blood, that is, insulin acts to deliver sugar to other parts of the body. The sugar delivered by insulin provides energy to cells or cells. Therefore, patients with diabetes are given additional doses of insulin.
Insulin is given to normalize blood sugar in patients with diabetes. It is believed that diabetes patients always need insulin, in fact, it is not. A patient with type 2 diabetes can also treat it without insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with medications as well as proper catering and regular routines.
People feel that it is very painful to use insulin injections. Whereas insulin injections are very thin and small, which does not cause pain at all.
Insulin is divided into four types. Short-acting insulin — its effect is very rapid (in 30–36 minutes) and it remains effective for 6–8 hours. Intermediate Acting Insulin — It effects very slowly (in 1–2 hours) and remains effective for 10–14 hours. Log acting insulin remains effective for 24 hours and is a mixture of insulin used in combination.
If you are using intermediate-acting insulin, then use them twice a day. Use short-acting insulin three times a day and if you are using log acting, then use it once a day before sleeping too.
Patients above ten years of age should use insulin by themselves. The insulin kit should have all the necessary items such as — Spirit of insulin, cotton and insulin syringe. Clean the hands thoroughly before using the insulin.
Injecting insulin does not mean that it is done forever. You can keep diabetes under control even without injecting insulin. Use insulin at the beginning of or during pregnancy with type 2 diabetes. After that, even without insulin, you can reduce the effect of diabetes. For this, exercise regularly and take special care of the food.
Originally published at https://www.diabetesugars.com.