Why does a man laugh when he is tickled?

Faizan Musanna
4 min readOct 28, 2019


Have you ever wondered why we laugh? Why does tickling touch a particular part of the body? READ MORE

So, let’s talk about laughter and tickling today.

The ancestors of humans were relatives of monkeys, we all know this. But do you know that the skill of making a person laugh is also inherited from the monkey family?

We laugh when we are happy Whenever something looks good, smile. So does this also happen to primates like chimpanzees, bonbons, or members of the apes?

Professor Robert Provin of the University of Maryland, USA, says that laughing at tickles has been a big topic of research in science.

One type of tickling is a nemesis. Slowly caressing certain parts of your body, you feel tickled. Like when rubbing the lower part of the foot or turning the fingers on the neck, it feels tickling.

But it only gives a good feeling. Do not laugh openly. This tickling is also experienced by creeping creatures like lizards.

The second type of name is Gargalais. Mammalian organisms realize this tickling. There is open laughter in it. Tickling is felt by touching the veins hidden in the skin on which we feel anything while laughing bluntly is a social behaviour.

Tickling makes a little trouble with an uncontrolled laugh. But does everyone like being tickled? Why can’t we laugh at ourselves by tickling? Research done on mice has revealed this.

Tickling someone else or tickling someone else is fun in both. But why are we not able to tickle ourselves? Researchers at Humboldt University, Berlin, experimented on mice and found that mice tickle and react in the same way as humans. Researchers found that rats’ brains respond in different ways when someone else tickles and tickles themselves. When mice tickle themselves, the part of their brain that works for laughing is not active. When the researchers tickled the mice, there was a signal of being touched in their brain. This is called the somatosensory system. For this reason, the mice reacted and made a sound when they were tickled.

Neuroscientist Mishael Bresht said, “The body does not react when touched by itself. So it is the same when tickling itself. The reaction of mice and humans is the same when touched. When we are tickled by ourselves, our The brain is already prepared for this, so it does not react like being tickled by others. “

According to psychologist Michel Tietse at Humercare Institute in Germany, “If we touch or tickle ourselves, our brain knows that being touched is not harmful and important. So it doesn’t react to it.”

By tickling ourselves we are not able to give enough warning to our mind. Nerfenkitsel is needed to be as effective as tickling laughs. Nerfenkitsel is called the thrill of fear in German by a tickle made by another.

Rats also try to escape after being tickled over a period of time. According to Titsay, “Our brain takes the tickling like a friendly attack. Our brain feels joyful and mild pain when tickled by someone else. This causes the brain to tense up. This tension forms uncontrollable laughter. Comes out. “

Tickling is sometimes a sign of danger. The parts of our body that have more neurons such as the stomach, armpits and the middle part of the thigh and stomach are more sensitive to tickling. When the mind feels that tickling is not dangerous, it laughs and relieves tension. Laughter also reduces stress, health is also good.

Many people get laughed at even thinking of tickling. Sometimes laughter starts even before being tickled. Research has shown that the part of mice that is activated upon tickling becomes active immediately before tickling. Scientists believe that even before fighting in sports, the brain gets similar signals. That is why we still laugh.

Every person’s body is sensitive to tickling in different places. So when the next time someone tickles you, hold your laughter. This will not let the other person know which place tickles you the most. In such a situation, he will have to work hard to find that place and you will be saved from getting upset.

Originally published at https://www.mubahisa.in.



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