Why is the Russian media calling the Coronavirus an American conspiracy?

Faizan Musanna
4 min readFeb 9, 2020


In the midst of the havoc of the coronavirus in China, various things are being talked about it. Many types of conspiracy theories (conspiracy stories behind the coronavirus) are being heard, apart from this, there are many misleading and false information related to it on the internet. Russian media has gone even further. In Russia, all these are being shown on TV in prime time news programs.

In all, the conclusion that is being shown in the programs shown about the Coronavirus in Russian TV channels is that some powerful western countries have their hand behind it and finally the blame goes to America.

One of the leading Russian news channels, Channel One, has opened a slot to discuss the Corona Virus Conspiracy Theories in its main show of the evening ‘Vemya’ (Waqt).

The method of reporting in this program is unclear. The program is shown as if the plot for the Coronavirus has been exposed and tries to leave an impact on the audience as if they had been exposed to the most important part of the truth.

In Russian and Latin, corona means crown or crown. Russian TV channels weave this word to tell how there are signs of US President Donald Trump joining it.

One reason for this is that Trump was present in many beauty pageants and used to crown the winners.

The truth is that the scientists named this virus as Corona because its shape looks like a crown. But the presenter of the ‘Vemya’ TV show does not appear to agree with this.

Referring to the intrigue of Trump behind Corona, a presenter of the program ‘Vemya’ says, “You will think that what we are telling is utter nonsense. I would probably have said the same if our reporter’s report did not know these things.” Let’s go … “

The program shows a video in which the presenter himself confesses that this whole theory is a bit strange but then he introduces an expert who explains how the coronavirus has been artificially created and how US intelligence agencies and US pharmacies Companies are behind this.

In the program, the old report of Russian media and officials is re-circulated in which it was told that the US had tested it on humans by making biologic weapons in a lab in Georgia. The interesting thing is that these old claims have already been proved wrong.

A reporter from Channel One is also referring to a theory on the internet about how the coronavirus is affecting only Asian people and it can be a ‘racial weapon’ of sorts.

The reporter himself admits that there is clear evidence to corroborate the coronavirus being a racial weapon, but then he says, “Even conscious experts believe that no apprehension can be ruled out right now. “

Such claims related to the coronavirus are loudly discussed in Veremya in Channel One’s program. The conclusion of these discussions is that somewhere behind the Korana virus there are Western powers such as Pharma companies, America or its intelligence agencies.

In the programs, it is being tried to tell that the western powers are helping to spread the coronavirus infection somewhere and increase the nervousness about it.

It is being told that Pharma companies can do this by making a coronavirus vaccine and to make a big profit, and America’s intention to do so will weaken its rival China’s economy.

Coronavirus has become a serious concern for Russian officials when they walk away from TV channels. China’s air and rail traffic has been stopped in the country. Russian people trapped in China have been evacuated and kept in a health centre in Siberia for two weeks.

A prayer meeting was also organized in a church in Moscow to secure salvation from the coronavirus.

There is a fear that there is a conspiracy to infect the top Russian officials with the Coronavirus. According to the report of Russian newspaper ‘Vedomosti’, a medical checkup of officials meeting President Vladimir Putin has been made mandatory. Spokesperson of president hose, Dmitry Peskov, described it as a “precautionary step”

Originally published at https://www.mubahisa.in.



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