World Diabetes Day 2019: Devote only 200 minutes in a week to avoid diabetes
If you try a just little, diabetes can be completely avoided. The biggest reason for this Blood sugar is the deterioration in lifestyle. You may avoid this just from diet control and daily40 minutes of exercise. That means you have to do only 200 minutes of exercise a week. If you have diabetes within two years, you can control it.
According to a diabetes specialist Dr A Khan, diabetes does not come in a day. It takes into it’s in control slowly. If the lifestyle is deteriorated and there is a risk factor then the disease will catch up soon. If there is no risk factor then the disease can be completely stopped. Diet management will also have to be done for this. If you want to avoid diabetes, take some time for yourself.
Doctors suggest that this can be avoided just change in diet habit, a little exercise and correcting the routine. According to medical expert Dr SK Singh, do 40 minutes of brisk walk (slightly faster) five days a week. Do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.
There are reports on diabetes that the disease has affected 10% of people on an average. About 12 per cent of people are at its mouth. This disease can be avoided with a little caution and caution. This time the theme is ‘Diabetes and Family’. That is, we also have the role of the family in controlling it.
Many times diabetic patients are wondering what to eat so that they can keep the disease balanced. According to Dr SK Gautam, two types of season fruits should be eaten along with daily food. The fruits should not be too sweet. Eat foods that contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the right proportions. Do not take more than 1200–1600 calories per day. Do regular exercises.
Diabetes is causing a silent heart attack and brain stroke. Diabetes patients have different brain stroke and heart attack symptoms than ordinary patients. Doctors say that in case of high attack, there are no symptoms. Meaning there is no sweat and there is no complaint of chest pens. According to cardiologist Dr Rajeev Khandelwal, those diabetic patients who have had diabetes for five years or more should undergo a heart test.
Salad should be eaten 10 minutes before meals so that you do not eat more than one meal at a time. Doctors advised: Screening of the disease should be done every year after the age of 40, diabetes can be controlled within two years.
Diabetes is one of the fastest-growing diseases. According to research, in the last 25 years, there has been a 64 per cent increase in cases of this disease and experts are looking at this increase with the economic progress of the country. Even more disturbing is that in the coming six years, the number of patients of this disease in the country may be more than 135 million, which was 7.2 crore in the year 2017.
According to a November 2017 report by the Indian Council of Medical Research, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and the Public Health Foundation of India, diabetes cases in India increased by 64 per cent in the last 25 years. Now, if we look at a report of the World Bank, India’s per capita income in 1990 was Rs 24,867, which increased to 1,09,000 in 2016. This directly means that as prosperity increases, diabetes patients are also increasing.
Diabetes has become a serious problem today. People of all ages are coming in the grip of diabetes, which is mainly involved in lifestyle-related diseases. November 14 is World Diabetes Day. On this occasion, talking to experts, giving information about this disease, Indresha Sameer diabetes, once it becomes a curse of all ages. We currently have the highest number of diabetes patients in our country.
According to a study, more than seven crore Indians are diabetic, the number of which can go beyond 150 million for the next 10 years. Despite these conditions, it is worrying that people are still not as aware of this disease as it should be. Only half of the adults in our country, aged 15 to 49, are properly informed about the condition of diabetes.
In normal language, if our body’s ability to absorb glucose is lost due to any reason, then diabetes disease arises. The real role is the hormone called insulin, which works to convert food into energy within the body. Because of this, glucose remains under control in the body. When insulin secretion from the pancreas decreases, its volume in the blood increases.
Identify the face of the disease, till now there are two forms of diabetes. Type-1 and type-2, the main symptom of type-1 diabetes, is the stoppage of insulin in the body, whereas, in type-2 condition, insulin is not produced in the body according to the requirement or is not used properly. Finds. The reason why insulin production stops is not yet known, but medical scientists have a belief that heredity and viral infections are particularly involved in the cause of type-1 diabetes. In type-2 diabetes, the body’s cells start inhibiting the work of insulin, but the pancreas is not able to secrete as much insulin as needed to overcome that blockage. Its root cause has not yet been precisely ascertained, but obesity, environmental factors and modern lifestyle are seen as its main causes. Type-2 usually occurs after the age of 45 years.
Five categories of diabetes After an extensive study on 14,775 patients, Sweden’s Lyud University Diabetes Center and Finland’s Institute for Molecular Medicine found that diabetes patients can be divided into 5 different clusters. According to experts, all these should also, be treated differently.
Medical scientists say that type-1 diabetes should be categorized as a serious disease related to the immune system and type-2 diabetes should be divided into four categories. Look at symptoms’ Excessive thirst ‘Excessive hunger’ Excess weight ‘or weight loss due to unreasonable’ Feeling hard or feeling spontaneous fatigue ‘Lack of water in the body’ Frequent nausea ‘Frequent mouth dryness’ Unprovoked vomiting’ Wounds not healing for a long time ‘Hyper-susceptibility to infection’ Blurred eyesight ‘Blisters frequently in the mouth’ Itchy skin Have ‘frequent boils’, ‘abnormal irritability’, bleeding gums
High risk of diabetes’ If diabetes remains uncontrolled for a long time, a heart attack can occur. Increasing glucose levels lead to hormonal changes and damage to cells. ‘Eyesight may decrease or blindness may occur. ‘There may be an infection in the arms and legs. The immune system becomes so weak that various diseases start to attack easily. The kidneys may fail.
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