Wrong treatment of hypertension in India is increasing tension

Faizan Musanna
3 min readOct 30, 2019


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a common heart disease that affects large populations around the world. According to the National Health Portal of India, one in five adults is suffering from high blood pressure. However, it is often overlooked or treated incorrectly, with no obvious symptoms. Estimates suggest that 50 per cent of people do not even know they have hypertension. READ MORE

The India Heart Study (IHS) in India has conducted the largest study on the importance of home-based blood pressure monitoring. Its latest report says that the wrong treatment of hypertension in India is more than anticipated. Its biggest disadvantage is the severe hypertension patients suffer. High blood pressure is the most common cause of heart diseases and stroke.

Blood pressure exerted by the blood on the vessel walls while flowing into the blood vessels is called blood pressure. It is read in Pare’s MM: MM HG. Its readings are performed as 130–139 mm, Hg systolic pressure (upper number) and 80–89 mm Hg diastolic (lower number). READ MORE

Hypertension occurs for several reasons. Such as unhealthy or haphazard lifestyle, stress, obesity and genetic. Increasing age, excessive salt intake, diabetes also increases the risk of hypertension. Interestingly, men have a higher risk of hypertension than women. However, regardless of the cause, most hypertension patients do not show obvious symptoms.

Uncontrolled blood pressure can cause many diseases such as — headache, fatigue, confusion, difficulty breathing, chest pain, hematuria (blood in urine). In severe cases, it can lead to complications such as coronary hard disease, heart attack and kidney failure. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, high blood pressure is responsible for about 10.8 per cent of deaths in India. If patients fall in the high-risk category then regular monitoring of high blood pressure is necessary.

High blood pressure is detected mainly from sphygmomanometer (blood pressure machine) readings. Sphigmo means “related to pulse” and the manometer is a pressure measuring device. However, anxiety can also increase blood pressure when visiting a doctor — this condition is called whitecoat hypertension, and this increases the risk of incorrect treatment.

On the other hand, some people have masked hypertension. This is a condition in which the body of a hypertensive patient shows normal, but high blood pressure at home, at the doctor’s clinic. University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinic Authority, U.S. According to, masked hypertension is more common in men, alcohol drinkers, tobacco eaters and those living in stressful environments. The body of such people shows normal blood pressure readings in front of the doctor, but their blood pressure becomes high soon after returning to their daily work.

Prof. Dr Upendra Kaul, principal researcher in the IHS study and president of Batra Heart Center and Dean of Academics and Research Batra Hospital, New Delhi, said that in about 40 per cent of cases in India, whitecoat hypertension and masked hypertension lead to incorrect treatment. Due to these conditions, people who do not have high blood pressure, are given medicines with high blood pressure. At the same time, high blood pressure cannot be cured.

Dr Upendra Kaul further states that Indians have a higher heart rate — in Western countries, it is 72 beats per minute, whereas in India it is 80 beats per minute. High blood pressure readings are higher in the evening than in the morning in most Indian patients. There is clearly a need to rethink the timing of anti-hypertensive drugs for Indians. For the right treatment, doctors have already suggested that at least three different readings should be taken at the clinic.

Hypertension is not completely curable but can be managed with anti-hypertensive drugs and healthy lifestyles and dietary habits. Drugs such as beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and diuretics are given to avoid complications of hypertension. Lifestyle habits such as quitting smoking, weight loss, stress reduction, regular exercise and DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) is commonly recommended. If you are suffering from hypertension then it is necessary to seek medical support. It will be detected on time and if treatment is received on time, then the person can live a better life for a longer time.

Originally published at https://www.mubahisa.in.



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